Tuesday, May 24, 2011


So it's been a long time. A lot has changed in my life and it's been hard to keep up. I took a sculpture class and for the last 9 months I've felt like it's a medium I really want to get good at but feel as though I've been failing in it. Then a couple of weeks ago we had a class show-and at the last minute with a lot of help from friends in the class and the help of my teacher-something came out that for me was unexpected. I didn't really decide I liked it until I saw it in my class show-and now I'm really proud of it-though I feel that this piece largely is me but a result of collaboration. Sometimes after a lot of frustration and effort and with some help, something comes together. It wasn't about the message or the story, it was simply tryng to make something for a show and having the pieces fall into place with some great guidance. After the class show in a random encounter, I was given the opporunity (thank you Lisa!) to put in another show at the National Arts Club. Being a comic book guy I never thought that I would be in a show-but it's really cool and I"m really proud. This post is rambling and touching on a lot of thoughts so I just want to say Thanks to Rhoda Sherbell, Lisa Ferber, Chris Cafferelli, my classmates and I hope you like the piece.