Friday, May 21, 2010

Follow the white rabbit

So my girlfriend had this series of Alice and wonderland inspired dreams that inspired me, so I tried to take one of them and put them down on paper. I don't know if I got close to how it was in her head, and my interpretation is probably a little darker, but I really like this piece. The idea was to make everything as natural as I could but then to play with the scale. It took a while to get the right perspective. I wanted it to feel like a subjective point of view where you were spying on the raabit. Also I wanted there to be a question as to whether the rabbit was really small or if the forest was really large. Hopefully that makes this feel surreal. I also abstracted the rabbit into a flat shape becuase that's how I saw him in my head and I tike the idea of flat, abstract shapes juxstaposed to fully renderedm round ones. I cheated a bit with the color of the mushrooms but it felt right with the palette. I'm thinking of making this one into a print.
It's a combination of watercolor, acrylic, ink and color pencil with some white conte for highlights.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Grave Cover

So a good friend and fellow Caveman conspirator asked me if I would do a cover for a proposal to a future comic. I told him yes and figured "what the hell, I'll get it done in a week." Well that week turned into a couple of months. A lot of it was that I was working on my own comic and had some other projects, but on top of that I just couldn't get it right. I did the first cover and was really proud of it, but everytime I showed somebody that would have a hard time following the mad scientist vibe that was essential to the piece (for the record I still like it). So then I did a couple of patches to the foreground figure, and while it may have been clearer, it certainly wasn't good. I ended up redrawing and recoloring the whole thing and I think it turned out much better.
Hope you guys like seeing the process.