Hey guys. So I got a freelance gig helping out with this theater company. The theater company is called The Subjective Theater and they're awesome. They put on a free show every year. They're very professional and the plays are always creative,interesting and entertaining. If you every get a chance and you're in NYC, you should check them out.
Anyways during some key scenes in the play they had a video segment that featured puppets, and they needed some 2 Dimensional background figures for some small scenes. It was a blast to do (except for cutting out the foam core, that was a pain). I sketched out the figures, got approval, and then photo copied the sketches. From there they were pasted onto some foam core and cut out. Then I painted the figures using acrylic paint. I then went back in and did the line work with ink. The last step was I added some gloss medium to protect to protect the paint a little make make it look a little more finished.
Anyways this is how they came out.